

SUV Trucks

The 4X4 and Your Off Road Adventure

The 4 wheel drive SUV and Truck are very common vehicles on the road today, they are everywhere. 4 wheel drive owners including myself tend to express our identity in the kind of 4 wheel drive we own.
You have your die hard eat dirt, drink mud 4 wheel drive enthusiasts. These guys and gals live for the moment to put their 4X4 to the ultimate test. Their 4 wheel drives are most generally built to handle the most extreme off road conditions. They spend a lot of money on top quality performance parts that will handle these conditions.
Then there are those 4X4 owners who have this Jekyll & Hyde mentality about 4 wheeling. They appear to have this calm and cool type personality with a touch of conservativeness about them; until they push the 4Hi button.
At last you have those who own a 4X4 and just like the idea of owning a 4 wheel drive. Great idea you guys and gals! Personally, I would not own a SUV or pick-up unless it was a 4X4. It never made much sense to me to spend money on a 2WD pick-up or SUV; but that is just my own opinion.
Okay, for those of you who fit the description directly above; and who own that awesome piece of machinery called the 4X4. Maybe it's about time to take that next step and take your 4X4 on an off road adventure.
Spending a weekend or whole week enjoying the off road trails can be an experience of a lifetime; especially when the whole family is involved. You get this sense of adventure and the ability to go places where 2WD vehicles would not even fathom of going.
Camping and enjoying the outdoors while hitting the trails; your family will tell stories about these off road adventures for years.
These kinds of vacations can be quite inexpensive (unless you break down) compared to a trip to Disney Land. Look at it this way, you already own the 4WD. A tent is a lot cheaper than hotel rooms.
Meals can be quite inexpensive also if you shop at your local grocery store and fill the coolers full of food and drinks.
It may be a good idea to take the 4X4 and your off road adventure for just one weekend and see how you get along before tackling a week trip. Test the waters by the shore before making an ocean voyage.
For those of you who may be new to the whole off road and camping experience, you are in luck. You may not have the funds or supplies to tackle this kind of trip this year but there is next year.
Look at it on the positive side, you have a whole year to plan a trip and purchase your supplies. You don't have to worry about spending a whole lot of money in one shot.
Here are some tips that will help you prepare for your next off road and camping experience:
o Perform a complete maintenance inspection on your 4X4. If you are not one of those automotive do-it-yourselfers, then inform the automotive service manager at your favorite shop of your intensions. Let him know your concern on how important it is that your vehicle gets a quality inspection and service.
o It is always a good idea to travel in groups. If this is not an option for you then be sure to tell other family members and friends where you are going and when you will be back.
o Preplan your trip. This will not only prepare you for what's ahead but it is also fun to get the family involved. You all will feel a sense of excitement when planning this adventure.
o If this adventure takes place at a national park then inform the park authorities where you are going. Give them as much information about your plans and an idea of when you will be leaving. Give and get contact information; this way if something goes wrong, they will be able to find you.
o Cell phones and GPS's are a good idea to have with you. If you can't get cell phone reception where you are at then the GPS will tell you your location. Don't forget to enter and save plenty of waypoints on your GPS; this will be easier to navigate back to safety.
o Be sure to have plenty of food and water to last beyond your expected stay, I'd say at least three days. Keeping your body full of carbohydrates and fluids during your outdoor fun is a must.
Planning and preparing your 4X4 and the off road adventure are the two foremost important steps towards a safe and fun trip. Ask any survival instructor, I bet they will agree.
Owning a 4X4 not only provides family fun and excitement but it allows you to become one with this awesome piece of machinery. You and the 4X4 working together to overcome those obstacles that lies in front of you; like a sea captain navigating his ship through a storm. The two of you together challenging Mother Nature and what she has to offer. It's a sense of dominance; that genetic code hidden deep inside of us waiting to be unleashed.
You own a 4X4, that vehicle does not know what it is or what it was designed to do. Only you have the capability to unleash the full potential of your 4X4.

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